Installation of photovoltaic power station
Project I. – plant 1
The company Kornfeil spol. s r.o. is implementing a project PV plant Kornfeil spol. s r.o., plant 1, Čejč reg. number: CZ.31.3.0/0.0/0.0/22_001/0001159, which aim is to install photovoltaic power plant for the applicant’s own consuption. That will provide an optimalization of electrical energy for bussines activity with the help of renewable resources. Funds of EU provide a financial support via Czech recovery plan on this project.
Project II. – plant 2
The company Kornfeil spol. s r.o. is implementing a project PV plant Kornfeil spol. s r.o., plant 2, Čejč reg. number: CZ.31.3.0/0.0/0.0/22_001/0001161, which aim is to install photovoltaic power plant for the applicant’s own consuption. That will provide an optimalization of electrical energy for bussines activity with the help of renewable resources. Funds of EU provide a financial support via Czech recovery plan on this project.